Saturday, September 25, 2010

Non believer Paradise

The shift, on this end, had somehow always managed to get tainted with the label 'spiritual'. I've read authors trying to open spiritual seekers into 'seeing' or spiritual teachers 'teaching' students about spiritual enlightenment, that resembled the shift experienced, but something always felt incredibly off about their methods.

Well, after years of hearing of other's spiritual dissonance, I've decided to try an Atheist group. Never have I encountered more people in group receptive to the idea of perception before mind, thought, and emotion. I realized it had to do with the fact that there was no belief system to dismantle for them to 'get it'. They had the foundation of being the strict observers of what is front of them, right here right now.

My mind speaks freely around them, without having to mingle around spiritual jargon. It is broken down into a scientific theory of personal experience, making it more tangible than ever. And best of all, there is no fight of beliefs, because it's about facing and discussing the facts.

I am in heaven. authors slamming spiritual've been wasting your time talking to the wrong ears. Let the spiritual people seek what they wish. It is in the end their choice, and are free to apply their will into such delusions.

I know there are the crazies..there are in every group..but they do not speak for the majority of the Atheist community.

As Richard Dawkin's so eloquently put it "You are atheist to so many gods, why not just go one more?'

Until you continue to feed the idea that you are controlled by something else you are not going to take responsibility for your self.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Paleolithic Observer

'Two Bison" reliefs in a cave at Le Tuc d'Audobert, France

In the Paleolithic Age, mankind consisted of nomadic hunters, solely focused on survival. No day was guaranteed living in the wilderness during the Ice Age. With harsh climates and bigger predators, the natural survival instinct was in high gear. For a long time, historians, scholars, and archeologist have carried the agreement that because such times were more primitive technologically, and lacked systems that prove intelligence, like writing, or mathematics, the peoples of the era, must have been more primitive than us as well.

As I sit in Art History class, and stare at slides of Paleolithic Art for several minutes at a time, I see the commonalities. A line drawing in profile view, always in a stance that shows four legs, one big eye, and important details unique to subject being represented on a rock wall.

And then we arrive to the slide above. Not a line drawing, but a working of clay, that was mounted not on a flat wall, but a cave's rocky surface. The three dimensional relief sculpture, is a demonstration of intelligence, imagination, and ingenious crafting, for such clay and tools were not bought at an art and crafts store.

What I see in these slides, is not a primitive mind, but a keen observer. An observer whose focus is to portray what is. Such 'primal' conditions, seem to be an ideal set of conditions for heightened awareness. The mind has enough to keep it occupied with the essentials of daily life, to allow the inner workings to unfold and flow naturally.

When I see each slide pass, the affirmations of their art is clear.

'what is.'

No deviation. No addition. Just constant sketches of the animals that were essential to their survival.

So, what drove man, to make a representational image of what he recognized?

'I can see.'

The glimpses of early self awareness, perhaps?

Recognition comes from observation, which makes way, for representation.

Let's take ourselves back here for a moment. Grab a piece of paper, and draw what is in front of you. Observe your mind, your thoughts, and how it all unfolds. Do it in one strong continuous line.

What pops up? How does it all flow? What kind of observer comes out of you?

In terms of daily life, what are we observing? how are we digesting such observations?

More importantly, what are we representing? Our methods of representation have expanded. Where does our energy hone in? How much does it become a part of who we are?

Have we forgotten such an important milestone in awareness in our highly mentally advanced society?


I'm 36 years old now. I am officially raising a teenage daughter. I am divorced. I'm a college drop out. I've been heart broken...