Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Knowledge vs. Wisdom

One path. Two ways to walk the road. A fork in perception.

Wisdom enters the body differently than knowledge.

Wisdom comes through the humble understanding, that the entity is the student. The entity is allowing information to come through to receive gained understanding of the conscious connection to the experienced existence.

Knowledge is a more selfish act..one of egoic intentions. It is to desire to obtaining information for personal gain. To get above and in control of what is existence.

Wisdom feels like it is being ingrained into your depth, woven in. The understanding being revealed, with deep purpose and substance.

Knowledge feels like a chase where we are never quite fast enough, to what always feels is right under our nose.

It is.

If we wisened up...we'd know. :-)

Dear Consciousness

I see your many faces, I endure your many phases, each one in every way, those pleasant and those not so pleasant. All surprise and humble me. Me, this entity, no more than a slice in a grain of sand in the grand scope of things. When you first rang a bell in my heart, I did not know how small I was, I could not conceive I was nothing, nothing at all. Rattled I sought to understand. What made it so difficult was how deluded we all became the more you tuned in. All was changing, and I felt there was no turning back.

When we finally met..it was surreal..and is now the most real it's ever felt. You're never gone away, and we are never apart. Ingrained, woven in the the fabric of my being, pulsating, all the time. And though I am still here, it's different. I am free. Free of the doubt, just trying to figure out the mechanics.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Lift not the painted veil which those who live"

Lift not the painted veil which those who live
Call Life: though unreal shapes be pictured there,
And it but mimic all we would believe
With colours idly spread, - behind, lurk Fear
And Hope, twin Destinies; who ever weave
Their shadows, o'er the chasm, sightless and drear.
I knew one who had lifted it - he sought,
For his lost heart was tender, things to love,
But found them not, alas! nor was there aught
The world contains, the which he could approve.
Though the unheeding many he did move,
A splendour among shadows, a bright blog
Upon this gloomy scene, a Spirit that strove
For truth, and like the Preacher found it not

By Percy Bysshe Shelley

Monday, November 1, 2010


I remember being young and staring up at the damn thing. Waves of nervousness and excitement lurked around me as family and friends lined up against the fence to watch a buddy or relative take the dive. I remember the envy my heart would feel for those who were free enough, brave enough. Strapped, hopefully tightly enough, without any guarantee, they began to rise inside the crate. I would tell myself a million excuses why it was not reasonable to do it. I justified being on the side lines, not being willing to live on the edge just yet. When they jumped and screamed horror, then joy and estatic release, I promised myself, one day, that was going to be me. It never made sense, and for years I'd never had the guts to, but, 'one day,' kept the door open just enough...

Now...I've done it.

I was visiting a friend from my hometown, and she came up with the idea. She was seeking a declaration of independence of some sort and wanted someone to come along. Nothing inside of me said no. Nothing in me jumped or screamed excitement. When we finally got to the Island where the bungee jumping was located, we stared at the tall crate, with no one inside, or lined up to be next. My heart beat fast, my mind mumbled some quick nonsense, but deep inside, I felt steady.

As I was getting strapped for the jump, I continued to observe my body, and the layers of reaction occurring. I could see, vividly, that if I attached to the emotions, gave a thought too much power, this would not happen. When I walked into the crate and it began to rise, the mind began to scream. Sensory perception was at a heightened state. When the crate rose to full height I looked around at the hotels, the lights, the pitch black sea, and starry skies. The guy behind me holding me then said: "I am going to open the clip and let you go. All you have to do is point your hands in front of you and follow them down. Don't think. Just Go." And here the hesitation and emotions were so explosive, I felt I was about to burst. I motioned to put my hands in front of me, as my mind resisted loundly, and followed them all the way down....

I began to fall. In this split second, the beauty of releasing myself from the grips of mind, sent a incredible amount of euphoria down my entire body. Release. It was full release. And after that my body jerked around following an oversized elastic rubber band around. It mirrored the surrender in the shift, so closely, so acutely. I just let go.

I wanted to fall longer. I wished there was no straps holding me. That too...mirrored the shift, since..it seemed right when I was breaking through, I was getting pulled back.

It was funny to think that while people do this temporarily, for a adrenal rush, or a temporary high...this is the way I'd been living my life.

Not all of life, if there is any intention for it to lived for an extended period of time, can be lived this way. But when the opportunity arises...I know not to think..and just jump.

Right now, is one of those moments. Time to dive out of the crate, and let myself fall.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Non believer Paradise

The shift, on this end, had somehow always managed to get tainted with the label 'spiritual'. I've read authors trying to open spiritual seekers into 'seeing' or spiritual teachers 'teaching' students about spiritual enlightenment, that resembled the shift experienced, but something always felt incredibly off about their methods.

Well, after years of hearing of other's spiritual dissonance, I've decided to try an Atheist group. Never have I encountered more people in group receptive to the idea of perception before mind, thought, and emotion. I realized it had to do with the fact that there was no belief system to dismantle for them to 'get it'. They had the foundation of being the strict observers of what is front of them, right here right now.

My mind speaks freely around them, without having to mingle around spiritual jargon. It is broken down into a scientific theory of personal experience, making it more tangible than ever. And best of all, there is no fight of beliefs, because it's about facing and discussing the facts.

I am in heaven.

So...you authors slamming spiritual seekers....you've been wasting your time talking to the wrong ears. Let the spiritual people seek what they wish. It is in the end their choice, and are free to apply their will into such delusions.

I know there are the crazies..there are in every group..but they do not speak for the majority of the Atheist community.

As Richard Dawkin's so eloquently put it "You are atheist to so many gods, why not just go one more?'

Until you continue to feed the idea that you are controlled by something else you are not going to take responsibility for your self.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Paleolithic Observer

'Two Bison" reliefs in a cave at Le Tuc d'Audobert, France

In the Paleolithic Age, mankind consisted of nomadic hunters, solely focused on survival. No day was guaranteed living in the wilderness during the Ice Age. With harsh climates and bigger predators, the natural survival instinct was in high gear. For a long time, historians, scholars, and archeologist have carried the agreement that because such times were more primitive technologically, and lacked systems that prove intelligence, like writing, or mathematics, the peoples of the era, must have been more primitive than us as well.

As I sit in Art History class, and stare at slides of Paleolithic Art for several minutes at a time, I see the commonalities. A line drawing in profile view, always in a stance that shows four legs, one big eye, and important details unique to subject being represented on a rock wall.

And then we arrive to the slide above. Not a line drawing, but a working of clay, that was mounted not on a flat wall, but a cave's rocky surface. The three dimensional relief sculpture, is a demonstration of intelligence, imagination, and ingenious crafting, for such clay and tools were not bought at an art and crafts store.

What I see in these slides, is not a primitive mind, but a keen observer. An observer whose focus is to portray what is. Such 'primal' conditions, seem to be an ideal set of conditions for heightened awareness. The mind has enough to keep it occupied with the essentials of daily life, to allow the inner workings to unfold and flow naturally.

When I see each slide pass, the affirmations of their art is clear.

'what is.'

No deviation. No addition. Just constant sketches of the animals that were essential to their survival.

So, what drove man, to make a representational image of what he recognized?

'I can see.'

The glimpses of early self awareness, perhaps?

Recognition comes from observation, which makes way, for representation.

Let's take ourselves back here for a moment. Grab a piece of paper, and draw what is in front of you. Observe your mind, your thoughts, and how it all unfolds. Do it in one strong continuous line.

What pops up? How does it all flow? What kind of observer comes out of you?

In terms of daily life, what are we observing? how are we digesting such observations?

More importantly, what are we representing? Our methods of representation have expanded. Where does our energy hone in? How much does it become a part of who we are?

Have we forgotten such an important milestone in awareness in our highly mentally advanced society?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Eggplant Paradox

So I was making some Baba Ghanoush and Maya, my two year old, came in looked at the eggplant I was peeling and asked me, "Mommy, what's that?" I said, "Oh, it's an eggplant honey." She looked for it a bit more and said, 'Eggplant??'. It made me look at the eggplant and laugh. 'I don't get it either baby. And that's why life is beyond words.' ...I know she heard me in there somewhere, because she got bright, laughed, and went right back to running around and LIVING.

Life is beyond words, beyond thoughts, emotions, and concepts. We we see this, feel this, live this, experience this, we get past surface projection and finally get a glimpse of the whole picture.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Patterns and Cycles

of Life and Death.
Patterns of Darkness and Light. Cycles of practice and non practice. Patterns of perseverance and apathy. Cycles of resistance and embrace. Patterns of flexibility and rigidity. Cycles of awareness and ignorance.

We are living as we are dying. We are darkness as we are light. We are what does as we are what does nothing. We are the courageous warrior and the coward. We are open flowing beings and shut tight nut cases. We create and destroy. We are being created as we are destroyed. We are awake and we are dreaming. We know and we know nothing. All at once.

Conduit to manifest the unmanifest.

In regards to patterns, and being aware of them:

What patterns do you create in your day?
What patters do you habitually, routinely, subconsciously and impulsively commit yourself to every day?

Habits? Personal Care? Thought Process? Focused? Unfocused? Goal
Oriented? What goals? Too much? To Little?

In our patterns we speak who we think we are. In observing it we have a fit of self honesty. In accepting it, we open the door to becoming much more.

In terms of the cycle of our life:

What is the overall theme in retrospect? What has been gained or lost? What constant cycle keeps coming back? What is the constant lesson?

The unfolding cycle of our life holds the clues to what the universe is always telling us everyday. It's the bigger picture. We see how we have tried to be, wanted to be, wished to be, detested to be, and all along consistently who we always are.

Patterns and Cycles we live and don't always understand. Constant unfolding.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Emptiness, My Lover...

Art by Vladimir Kush

One afternoon, on a day off, I was looking for something to keep me occupied and pass the time. I tried reading a book, writing some thoughts down, but all I could really manage to do was to be still. In unveiling emptiness, there will be times when so much life flows through you, all you will want to do, all you will be able to do, is lay down and absorb it. All you can do is lay down and let life penetrate you. So, after managing to do nothing else, I set personal hesitation and the sense of ego aside and lay on the bed and sunk into the stillness. This is an excerpt of what I wrote after the experience:

"This is not a journey of achievement, but of being. All is a projection of light. My eyes are stiff and staring foward. I see the light constantly moving into different colors and shades to project what is supposedly in front of me. Sight becomes blurier but clearer. There is no wind flowing from the window, the hammock doesn't move with the breeze. It's all just changes in colors, in the light particles, making it seem like there is movement but there isn't. I touch my nose with the knowing that it's not really here, I feel how my neck is really not on the pillow. My eyes are not really seeing, my ears are not really hearing. As I lay here, absorbing this new knowing, I feel a flow of energy coming through my spine soothingly rising up to where the heart lies, and here there is hesitation. This has happened before, but this time I am not scared, this time I let all hesitation that arises flow through and I let go. I sink into this body that I now reside in. I accept it, feel how life is being projected from my skin, how it penetrates and vibrates like a cool breeze of light rain within me. As one would get to know another person, one has to be willing to get to know Emptiness, get acquainted with it's constant quiet expression. As one creates a relationship with a person one loves, one has to be willing to open up to this emptiness, heighten our awareness and attention towards it, to better recognize it. This is how one can begin to lay down the foundation of opening the doorways to what is really always here. As I sink in and bond with the emptiness from where all arises, I feel that if it would have happened in the woods, in the midst of pure earthly silence and nature, I would of lost all notion of myself forever, engulfed in the natural beauty of life. But here, I will quickly be absorbed once more by the egoic demands of the society I live in. All seems meaningless with such quiet wisdom so alive within me now. "
I share this, to demonstrate the experiential qualities one can have on a personal level when coming into awareness and acceptance with Emptiness.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


To dissolve one's self, initially sounds, nihilistic. It leaves us feeling too open, without our cherished morals, believes, and values. To most, dissolving everything that has been built, worked for, over the years, seems pure madness. It required on my end, to see the current reality and belief system held at the time crack and fall apart to even begin to conceive such a concept. It was necessary for the dormant seeds of discontent to sprout furiously, blooming my hidden suspicions, no longer allowing them to be denied. In the unfolding of my story, such a dramatic collapse of my previous perception of the world was necessary to see through it. Stark, certainly, but it created a resolve, a determination, to see through the delusional state we were creating and living our lives.

When everything was falling apart, and inside I was burning up everything that I'd ever known, believed or cherished, I could see why others thought it was madness, depression, and why I saw it was the only way. I was running against the pack. I was going against the grain. It was unnatural. To separate, isolate. I felt the disconnection, and I agree, it felt unnatural, but what I'd realized was that I had never really been connected.

Everywhere I observed others, I saw cliques bound not by some deep, indestructible knowing, but by superficial man-made parameters. 'I believe this, and you believe that, so I'll hang out here, and you hang out there, and leave me alone.' The duality and fragmentation under which we constructed our lives was clearly an unstable foundation. Tipping from one extreme to the other, a time bomb.

The desire for connection was there, but in such circumstances, connection felt conditional, like another trap. I was scared out of my wits. I'd never been so alone, so confused, so depressed. The idea of ending up in a looney bin was amusing, especially since I felt stuck in one already.

The unknown, what was beyond all this, at first appeared as a big gaping hole. Abysmal, and terrifying. The more I sought this place within, the more confusing trying to make sense of things was. There was nothing to make sense of. The riddle of the question. Where did the inquiry begin? I remember the day this question was answered. It had been a hectic day. I was laying in the driveway looking up at the stars, begging for an answer, for something to once again make sense. "It isn't the question that is problem, but where we were looking for the answers. Within the limited scope of our minds, we will never make sense of things. Get beyond. " I didn't hear this. I felt it. The information, the knowing of this began to run through my entire body. Warm and soothing, comforting it relaxed my anxious and tired mind.

That was connection. The way it ingrained such wisdom into my being made it undeniably more reliable than any other source of information I had ever encountered. It's been since moments like this that the path unfolding involved a seeking this current, that carried with it the deepest wisdom, the purest love, and the vitality required to see in such a different light.

So, when you read dissolution, when you hear it, and hopefully feel it, I offer a translation. Do not see the end to your self, but a beginning. Do not see a death, but a birth. All that falls away, is no longer necessary, and will not be missed.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Inner Flame

'The Flames of the Search'
By A.H. Almaas

How do you know that the knowledge you get from others is the truth? How do you know that your teachers, or even the great philosophers, have the answer that is appropriate for you? Christ says to love your neighbor. Do you really know that that is what you need to do? Buddha says that enlightenment is the best thing. How do you know that is what you need?

Some people say you have to learn to be yourself. It sounds good. Some people say you should be free from your personality and develop your Essence. It sounds great. How do you know it will resolve your situation? You don't really know whether any ofthese ideas are relevant or true for you. You can't know with certainty until you have experimented and learned from your own experience. Until then your action is based on faith or belief If you assume unquestioningly that what someone else says is the truth, your inner flame will be extinguished. You will believe that you have answered questions when you haven't answered them; someone else has. And they haven't answered them for you, but for themselves. We comfort ourselves by believing that others know, and that we can use their knowledge. It's a very comforting thought; it encourages us to be lazy. We comfort ourselves by saying to ourselves, "Somebody knows, and in time I'll get around to studying it. It's already known and always available to me."

But do you, yourself, really know in your heart what is supposed to happen? Do you ever allow yourself to question, to have a burning question--and not put out the flame quickly with the first answer that you hear? You put out the flame so that you can return to your sense of comfort and security.

Someone tells you that it's good to pay attention, to be aware. When you try it, it helps a little--but you still don't know whether it's the answer. You don't know whether it will actually resolve your situation. And if you believe you know, you're lying to yourself. You need to keep the question alive while you investigate for yourself.

Are you strong enough to live without answers: as a flaming inquiry into the truth?

Friday, July 30, 2010


retrieved from: www.toonpool.com

Post Shift, the unfolding of life unravels without possessiveness. Although I do acknowledge that the past and current experiences are unique to this experience of self in many ways, not taking possession of them, allows a fluidity that was not present before. In attaching to an experience, person, thought, or emotion, one alters 'being'. It is not longer what it is, but what you allow it to be in your presence.

Say, that you find yourself being serious for a period of time. You start to tell people you are a serious person. People start to call you a serious person. Then one day you are gathered around the table, and somebody makes a comment that makes everybody burst out laughing. You start to laugh, but then hold back on full laughter, for you remember, you're a serious person.

Have not those who called themselves just been capable of unjust action? Have not the heartless been capable of being gracious? Even in unawareness, we catch glimpses of how what we are is nameless, formless, unlabeled. We are beings capable of incredible transformation.

What happens when we drop all the labels? We are no longer the add on, but the source. This is where True Self sits. And here, we are what we need to be, at the time being.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Negation Experts Beware

Making the state of negation your new identity is as blind as attaching to any other belief system, teaching method or philosophy. Being versed in non dual lingo, and becoming a forum Nazi, to be part of the non duality clique, does not make you more aware, much less more awakened.

The path of awakening is one of a warrior against himself. He discovers his current perception as limited, invalid, a lie, and begins to gut through the belief systems and notions of self to dismantle his current being with diligence and force. It is to strip the self of all the labels that currently entangle it, not to replace them with identity to the void, but to open the self up to what is beyond the duality through which reality is currently being perceived.

If you think that in knowing negation, you are making progress, you are more blind than the ignorant herded sheep. All you've become is the biggest expert at denying your self. Isn't that exactly what was intended to be avoided here?

It takes courage and will to stare your self down, to see each shadow to it's face and say goodbye. It takes endurance and stamina to always be willing to take it further. It requires extreme amount focus and intent to keep going inward instead of outward, especially when the habit is to build the self from external surroundings. But most of all, it takes humility. To be humble enough to see your misperception, be grateful, and surrender to the transformation. Only then, would you be willing to empty your self out, and listen, instead of keeping your cup full of arrogance and assumed knowing.

You see the big hole of unknown and you don't jump in. You tip toe around it saying 'I need not worry, it's not really there.'

The only thing not there is an ounce of clarity.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Yesterday, I had a fabulous massage. The appointment was made with a woman who had given me a massage 4 years ago, about a week after the Shift. The first time we met, I was purging out a lot of emotions, and the body, felt tied in energetic knots. The emotional roller coaster was filled with loops and high rises. I couldn't identify the source of it, in terms of specific events, but it felt as a wave of baggage being released all at once. She was aware of the body being more than what is manifested physically, and seemed very in tune with working with the body as energy, which was a wonderful synchronous detail.

At the time I was in a state of deep detachment. I had axed my old self, and all it's false crevices. I took the journey of non duality extremely personal. I did not know what it was to get beyond myself directly, but had full willingness to deliver whatever the cost to no longer see in delusion. I used the non dual philosophy and David's writings to face every fear, every hesitation, to tear down every wall that was in the way. Not an escapism, but a period in my life, where I was no longer going to run from anything any more.

One of the biggest fears was not existing. Intentionally causing my own death through a existential crisis, but near the Shift, that was faced, and I felt fully ready to let it all go. All of it. I didn't know what I was, but I felt to be living everyday in what I was not, and it was constant torture. Especially when, IT felt so close. The other side.

After the Shift, I was surprised to still be here. I, Sharon, the entity. Yet, when I looked in the mirror, I did not recognize myself. Inside I felt empty, like I had pressed the reset button on myself, and had just rebooted. What was gone was the fear. Absolutely no fear. No thoughts.
I would walk around town in amazement to the untainted view. More color, vibrancy. Internally all the behavioral habits, mental notions and beliefs were gone. I believed nothing, judged nothing. All around me was the same external circumstances with an entirely different perception of it.

Then the weight of the world came in. It was as if a glimpse of liberation was experienced and then was thrown into the purging of all that had been me at one time. It was intense to say the least, but the knowing never left, never faded. Now I could work through it all with a foundation, a ground to stand on. One question puzzled me only, 'Why was 'I' still here?

When I received a massage four years ago, it was releasing the old pains and fears that needed to be purged to regain Pure Being. It was a HUGE release of all the emotional weight I was carrying. When Kathy, walked out the door, she embraced me is a warm deep hug, and said 'The Love you seek does exist'.

I was puzzled when I had first heard this. 'I' was beyond Love. 'I' was no longer to meddle with such things if the intent was to get beyond all this. Love had always been a fleeting experience in my life. I'd watched people never attempt to honestly love their entire lives and justify it. I was done with that.

Now four years later, here I am about to get a massage again, and I sit in my living room realizing that the love I was seeking does exist. When she arrived, she walked through the door, and as she was getting settled, I said to her, "You know, four years ago, you gave me a massage, and when you left, you embraced me and said, 'The Love you seek does exist', and I wanted to tell you that you are right, I found it.' She sat on my couch, stared at the trees I had painted on the wall, and said 'Yes, I can feel it.'

Although my husband, Josh, and my daughter Maya, are portals of Love in my life, and have taught me much of it's workings, I was not referring to the love of falling in love with a person, or a thing, or a place of any kind. After much time and intent and purging, I had tapped into a current, a force, that arose as the place from where all things arise. It's subtle most of the time, so subtle, that it is clear why it is so easy to miss for those who do not take the time to sit in it's simplicity. It was from the practice of sitting with this current, allowing it to guide the way, that the story continued to unfold, in a completely different perception of life than before. For in this current, there was no resistance, no fear. It was what knew all things, and offered timely wisdom. It was subtle, but constant. And it's consistency, is what made all the difference.

Yesterday, when I received a massage, it was not one of release, but of a final integration. Enough had been purged. I was empty enough to let this current flow without resistance. Not an millimeter or quantum particle of me resisted. I allowed it to engulf me, embody me.

At one point during the massage, she requested that I love myself, and embrace every inch. In my attempt to do that, what arose was, that I had always felt too big for this body energetically. Like all that I am could not fit here, in this body of current residence. After I said that, the following words arose within, 'It's ok, it is safe here, come home.'

In realization, it arose that I had walked away from being an identity to dismantle old ways, old belief systems. I had emptied myself out, cleared the clutter, but I had not come back home. Now was the time.

In this moment, I felt every inch of me filled with the current. I felt whole, steady. I was as everything else, a part of this universe. One and All. I was home for IT, and IT was home for me. Full merge.

I have never come out of a massage, so awake, so present, so strong. 'I am HERE!' resonated within.

It feels good to be home.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Freedom Can Come Home

It has been observed that even non duality can be used as a form of escapism from Reality. The philosophy is one of integration, even if on the surface it appears to be one of negation. What is being eliminated is not the entity, or the external reality, but the assumption that one knows by intaking only surface material. It directs toward knowing inside out, from deep within.

The dismantling, does not make Reality fall apart, but your limited perception of reality. It is about embodying who we are, without masks or flashy costumes. It taps into what comes out of this embodiment when the current existence is fully embraced, for what it is.

Many debate about what should be here, what it could be like here. That's not what non-duality is about. It is about EXPERIENCING what reality is. Which means you start LIVING. You engage in your story, you face your fears, doubts, concerns, circumstances. You put will into discerning what areas in life you are distorted with unprocessed emotions, unfounded beliefs, and behavioral habits. When you've emptied out the trash, then you begin the journey of experiencing life unfiltered. It's clearing the clutter to finally begin to tap into your potential. Not the ends to a mean, but a beginning. Inner freedom is hands on.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Take the Bite or Shut up

The birth of all concepts is also the birth of the biggest misconception of all time. It appears to have begun when a man, or maybe a group of men, began the endeavor of putting Life into a cute little box, and then deciding to share this with all the ears that listened.

Now before going further, it must be made clear that it is not being implied that this was the wrong way to go. But it must also be made clear I am not here to discuss the benefits and consequences of concepts.This is about living life with no concepts at all.

I'll offer the following analogy to demonstrate the point being made. Let's say that there is something you've never had a taste of. To make this easier, I'll pick something specific. Let's say that you've never had an avocado. I can describe the color, the texture, even offer a comparison, but as we all have learned, not until you taste it, do you really get clarity on what the experience of eating an avocado is like, and only then do you truly understand how the description was right or wrong.

Only with tasting it. Only with taking that bite.

Now let's make an extreme example. Let's say that nobody ever quite gets the guts to taste the avacado. So you got scientists cutting it in half, messing with the texture, analyzing the seed, playing with the skin, creating all sorts of concepts of what it MIGHT be like to eat an avocado, but in the end, no one really knows. Until a few come around that are so tired of wondering what it might taste like, or worse, being TOLD what it might taste like, that they dive in and taste it for themselves. So now, that they've tasted it, you got these few brave ones being bombarded by everybody else who wants to know what an avocado tastes like. 'Do you like it? Whats the texture like? Do you eat all of it or part of it? How does it feel in your tongue?' People want to know. So now, these few are trying to explain to others what their direct experience of eating an avocado was like, while others insist their theory is a better description of what is it like to eat an avocado, but the truth of the matter is that no one can really tell anyone what an avacado taste like, so this problem is never going to be solved until people get brave and taste it for themselves. It's ridiculously easy, right?

To get into the depths of Life, the Universe, Your Self, you can't be the reader of concepts, or the creator of concepts, but a destroyer of concepts.

You destroy all concepts through experience.

Life is in front of all of us. All of us are breathing. There is no privilege you need to gain, no status to attain, there doesn't even need to be an understanding of anything at all. All that is needed is that you to take the bite.

How do you really do that?

You stop looking everywhere else for answers. I know that it has become common nature to get together and share ideas,but consider that it would be wise to know what you are talking about first.

If there is anything we can help each other with, it is with getting each other to take that bite. Edging each other take the leap, that first step. In any other manner, we are not helping each other at all.

It's THAT Simple.

I know a woman who claims she has not had a single drop of water in her entire life. She absolutely refuses to drink it. Says she can't stand it. She also hates vegetables, and avoids them at all costs. The more processed, the more sugar, the less natural, the better. Her life, non-coincidently enough, is just as processed, very drama filled, and a mental ache to the observer who feels they are getting a live show of a Soap Opera they didn't ask to watch.

When dismantling belief systems, the reaction often observed is that of a mind gawking the simplicity of it all. Since the habit has been that of making things convoluted, the carbonation and excessive amounts of sugar seem to be missed. The good thing is, the withdraws do fade with time.

When the excess has been emptied out, one begins to tap into a current, a constant flow, that was never gone, and only because of it's subtlety, missed. This current offers no crash once the sugar is gone. It contains no mysterious ingredients. With every drink of it's simplicity, one will be drawn to laugh earnestly. To smile the silly smirk of the respected monk. To return to looking at the world with eyes filled with wonder like a child.

For once it's found, one can only wonder, how could it have ever been missed.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Why So Serious??

If you are to remember one thing, don't forget to laugh about it all. If it doesn't make you drop on the floor laughing your head off, you don't got it yet.

Explorer of the Internal World

I am an explorer.
I reach the depth of the internal world, not through the spirit of conquering,
but through constant surrender.
I do not force myself into it, but allow it to enter me, penetrate the depth of my being.
I do not seek change of a particular kind, simply allow it to transform me.
Boundaries fade, a sense of limitlessness arises as the resistance drops.
Where there is no separation, no reaching is needed.
It becomes clear.
Never gone.
All is.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Breathe Easy

With every inhale, there is an exhale. Simple. Watch the tide rise and fall. With new sight, unfiltered perception, the tides, are embraced and released as they come and go. If a rise of success unfolds before you, it is embraced. Once the success of your works begins to fade with the passing of time, you release. Nothing is yours. Nothing can be gained or lost.

You breathe in air all day long, but never is the air yours. Your purpose is not to own the air, take custody of it, claim it, price it. Your only purpose is to inhale and exhale. Same with Life. As the air in your lungs, as the ocean with the tides, you allow the rise and fall of life to unfold before you.

You are never the owner of it. You don't control it. You flow with it. Constant flow.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Meat of the Message

Normally, when a speaker talks about an intangible subject, an analogy is used to give the audience a picture that helps communicate the message the speaker is attempting to convey. What has been observed when giving analogies of what non duality is like to an audience, is that they get stuck on the picture, and forget to take in the meat of the message. Being that before a perceptual shift, the tendency to identify and attach to thoughts is high, the audience can very easily get stuck on dissecting the picture, instead of allowing the analogy to dismantle their old view of things to see what is.

To sit with an analogy, watch the thoughts and emotions that arise within, and do nothing, letting it ALL sink in, is a much more proper use of the analogy. The purpose of the analogy, is to get you to see with a sight that comes beyond mind, so don't use them within it.

Take this analogy as an exercise. A camera is built to take pictures, which are copies of a moment lived at one point in time. It is a snapshot, of one of the million moments of your life. The better the camera, the higher the quality of the snap shot, right? To get a snap shot of life, all the time, you would want a camera that takes great pictures at night, in low light, of rapid movement, small objects, and so on. Well, in the sense of a camera, it makes easy sense, but now let's look at the mind like a camera. Every time you resist to see something for what it is, it is like lowering the quality of your camera. It's taking off the color and choosing to see only in black and white, not being able to take rapid movement shots, and/or limiting the spectrum of color in which you can take a shot.

(Pointer: Here is a point where minds are going to want to go wild. 'Well, what if I like mind in black and white?' 'Maybe I don't want to 'see' everything that can be seen?' My response to that is...How about the option of black and white, versus making it the strict rule....and if that's the way you want it, continue on your way, I was just making you aware of all the capabilities your camera has...)

Key point here is, you are capable of expanding your horizons, your perception of things and how they work. Your mind's capabilities haven't been fully tapped into, and if you are feeling constricted, it's time you break out of that small shell, you are getting too big for it.

How exactly do you do that? By breaking away from what you know, and stepping into that which you don't.

Are You Willing?

Willing = No Resistance.

To break away from all you've ever known. To be torn apart. To push way beyond your comfort zones. So far, that you don't remember what's it's like to be comfortable anymore. To push the intensity. To allow the burning of all your think you are, and all you have ever known. To be detached, to walk with a void in your chest. Are you willing?

Willing = No resistance to purging. Willing to pop like a champagne bottle, fizz all the emotions that have been repressed for so long you don't even know where they are coming from. Willing to watch each come and go, without your interference. You have relinquished control.

No resistance to the waves of intense thought that demand to know what is going on, where this is going, why this is happening. To be willing to drop identification with every thought that comes through. To watch your desire, your habit, to attach to the thought, and feel the discomfort, the twitch when you don't, and sit with it, and do NOTHING.

To be willing, determined, in every step you take toward the unknown. To get beyond all you know, to see what IS. To see, that in your cave of beliefs, and concepts, of the way things are, you are not living, you are denying your self life. You've chained your self to a prison, and cemented your beliefs and made them the walls. This is not Life. This is Death.

Are you willing to have your perception of everything turned upside down, being left with nothing but a big huge question mark, and an abyss of nothingness? Are you willing to let the lies burn?

You don't have to know what truth is, you just have to know your living a lie. You've got to feel that within our existence. You've got to feel it haunting you, eating you alive. That way every single time a wave of resistance comes through, you let it burn in your chest, until no resistance is left.

Willing = No Resistance. No resistance to your fears. No resistance to your Death.

All that is left is Continual Surrender to the Unknown.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mental Defrag

According to Webster Online the definition of defragmentation is as follows:

to reorganize separated fragments of related data on (a computer disk) into a contiguous arrangement.

The word contiguous called out to me, so I looked it up as well:

Contiguous: 1 : being in actual contact : touching along a boundary or at a point
2 of angles : adjacent 2
3 : next or near in time or sequence
4 : touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence

When one observes nature, and it's unfolding, we can with the naked eye detect a fluidity, where a long chain of organisms are linked together to sustain the ecosystem as a whole. With a peak through a high powered microscope, we discover another world that is made of billions and trillions of particles, that are bouncing off of each other in unison, to create you and me.

In a fragmentary state, one is nothing more than scattered pieces. Your existence, your life's unfolding, and the world arising around you, are nothing more than a sequence of random acts unfolding in a universe of chaos.

Our minds, instead of allowing a fluid flow of information, creativity, and inspiration, instead becomes a frantic 'thought stacker'. In this fast paced world, the time to sit, and arrange our minds, seems to be a luxury, a commodity. It should be a necessity. It is essential to Live life, and not just exist in it.

To sit, and observe our mind, it's whereabouts, and clean it out, as disk cleanups are recommended before hand, is essential for a productive unfolding. To treat the mind as tool, as a computer processor, also eases the detachment from it. Through this detachment the ability to observe our inner world, the thoughts and emotions arising, and sort them out, is taken on from a more objective perspective.

Stand still.
Observe where you are in life.
Link together all the layers of your inner experience.
Drop the resistance.
Allow each working layer to fall in it's proper place.

From here, you are no longer a victim of life getting thrown random events that make no sense. You are now, a character watching your own story unfold, and every moment is an opportunity to unravel, to grow, to put more pieces of the puzzle together.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Undoing Knots

In the process of detaching from identification to thought, the knots that kept us tied up will begin to surface. A high paced mind, hot flashes of inspiration and realization, and a general unleash of energy, (that can be highly overwhelming at times) arise as some of the symptoms.

Depending on the human, the placement of the knots and their intensity will vary. There are several factors that mold the persona. Held ideas, beliefs, and notions, influenced by external conditions, such as environment and history of relationships, plus the general current perspective of the world, to name a few. What causes the knots, is not the external circumstances, but to believe that these external circumstances are who you are. This is to live in ignorance of where consciousness comes from. To misidentify with thoughts and the reactive emotions, is a demonstrate of this ignorance.

In living in identification with the working of the mind, we have created an identity based on an accumulation of labels one has adhered to over time. This is the knotted human being. Whether positive or negative, they are still knots. The more one identifies with any label, the tighter the knot.

It is the undoing of these knots, that non-coincidently bring about what arises like an overwhelming release of energy. That is exactly what is occurring. In undoing the knots, in removing identification with the labels, you are freeing up energetic knots that you've attached to. Once the knot's intensity is overcome with open willingness and surrender to the label, one gets the glimpses of life's simplicity beyond mind. One gets glimpses of liberation.

When the knot has been undone, the key is to stay undone. It will feel similar to overcoming PTD, post traumatic disorder. When the persona is used to chaos, tightness, the reverse, natural unfolding loosely into life, will feel at best weird.

Realistically, prepare, especially if this is all new, to feel like the world you've lived in is falling apart. The mind will get really loud, and have all sorts of thoughts, and all you have to do is take each and every opportunity to sit back and observe it. Do no react, do not attach. Just breathe, undo, unfold.

Expect waves of this. But remember you are the ocean, not the tides.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Fiddling, Meddling, with muddy toes and shoes...

I got both the urge and the courage to go for a run today. 'Just drop everything and do it,' arose within. My heart beat faster as slight hesitation arose as I stared at a pile of laundry. It was clear. I grabbed my tennis shoes and put them on. As I tried to put Pandora on the Ipod, 'Hard Sun' by Eddie Vedder from the Into the Wild album kept popping up. Great to run to. Lyrics hit just right, as I took off. What began as a run became a release of pent up energy. I could feel my self bursting out with every step.

I started the run with 'Setting Forth' which lyrics are as follows:

Being, no concern
Point of no return
Go forward and reverse
This I will recall
Yeah, every time I fall

Keep setting forth in the universe
Keep setting forth in the universe

Out here realigned
A planet out of sight
On nature drunk and high



Breathe. Release. Sink into the flow. "Go to an Open Field," arises. That sounds nice, but where? There's the coast, but that's heavy with Traffic. 'Keep Going'. Ok..so the run continues, and as I continue down the fancy suburb, and as I reach a stop sign, I remember accross the street, in the neighborhood on the other side is a open field next to a school. Awesome.

The body feels heavier with every step. I am out of shape. I know. I am not this body, but this body is still feeling pretty damn heavy. The concrete seems to pound back with every step, and I long for my feet to be free of these shoes, to feel mud and grass under and in between my toes. It's pretty steamy weather here. Lot's of rainy days before, and lots of heat today. Running in a sauna. "Even if the body is heavy, you are not."
OK...I'm still going.

I see the field. I slow down, take deeper breathes and stare. It's perfect. What I would give to take off my shoes, and it started to rain. 'Even if the IPOD, gets wet?' Destroy the IPOD, I want it to be just you and me. As I'm crossing the street, it starts to rain. I start laughing, and start to run.

I ran toward the bench, sat down and started to take off my shoes. Where could I put my shoes, IPOD and keys? 'I thought you wanted them destroyed?' arose. I feel slightly sheepish. On second thought, neither are mine. If it were mine, it would be totally different. It stops raining.

I walk towards one of the school buildings, lay my shoes, keys, and IPOD, by my side. I feel the concrete on my bum. Familiarity. I step into the grass, feel the mud, sink into it. I feel alive. Connected. I get up and take slow steps. The lower abdomen begins to cramp. I'm starting to feel pain. 'Really? There is no pain.' But...I..

I look down, smirking, feeling the teasing feeling of disbelief. The pain is gone. 'Sit Sharon, feel me.' I choose a place to lay down. I feel the life coming from the ground, release myself into it. My eyes are closed, the sky is so bright.

'So bright huh? Yes, it does take some time to adjust to the light. But that is all it is. An adjustment. Adjust. '

I stare at the brightness with my eyes closed. I feel the adjusting occurring. Then the warmth. It begins to penetrate my face. 'Allow'. Allow. Bright blinding warmth. Illumination. It runs through from head to toe. Bright warmth.

I feel a bug. I jump. 'Ha! so easily disturbed!' I laugh with. Yes. Distractions are easy to fall into. 'If you trusted, and allowed the bugs to arise, they would not bite.' Yeah. I'm sure. I look down at the ground. Red Ants start to pop up. A lot of them. I get up. 'Ha!' Yeah. I don't feel like getting bit today. 'You wouldn't'. Yeap...I'm walking away. I'm not.

Concrete. Familiarity. I look at my shoes, keys and IPOD. I look out towards the field. Got to walk the walk Sharon. Take a walk for a every word that comes through. It keeps you humble. I grab my shoes, keys, and IPOD and start walking to a puddle near by. I rinse my feet and put my shoes back on. and it hits:

Before the Shift, I always wore my shoes. With the Shift, I went barefoot. After the Shift, I can wear the shoes, without feeling disconnected. Nothing is ever disconnected. Know that. I tie my shoe laces. I start to walk. 'Still feel me huh?' Yeap, more clearly now, with every step.

'Never disconnected. You can choose to perceive disconnectedness, but you never are. Run, feel that.' I run. I feel it.

I think therefore I AM NOT

Thought. Information. Concepts. Opinions.

In the movie the Matrix, those who have escaped the Matrix, have escaped the prison of identifying with the information, and the life, delivered to them by the Matrix.

When you stop believing, attaching, or reacting to each and every thought that comes through you, that is when you begin to detach your Self from what you are not, to allow glimpses of Who You Are.

When you are clear in the knowing that You are NOT thought, that there is absolutely NO need to attach to ANY thought, this is the beginning of tapping into Being. To Be. I Am.

Attached thoughts are Glamours. This world is currently highly attached to Glamours. To the addition to I Am. So much so, that the simplicity, of I Am, is considered highly complex, for there is much to undo to simply be.

It is the entertainment of Glamours, in it's many forms, positive or negative, that distract you, the Self, from Reality. 'I am Intelligent.' 'I am Phony.' 'I am Beautiful.' It is from this addition that duality in perception arises. The fragmentation begins with addition. It is the source of desire and fear. For in adding, one can subtract, creating the illusion, that what one is, can be taken away.

You are not the thought, a thought, or can you be contained by thought. When you release your Self from believing anything that arises in thought, and you commit to the Silence, you are released. You are free. To Be.


I'm 36 years old now. I am officially raising a teenage daughter. I am divorced. I'm a college drop out. I've been heart broken...