Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Transition Lenses

I had for several years now attempted to see this world through those transcendent lenses that had once showed me the amazing capabilities of man in a state of conscious and selfless purity.  Such a clean direct view seemed the ultimate form of perception.  Yet, in always attempting to transcend the moment, see beyond it, or in it always digging for deeper and deeper depth, I had forgotten how to enjoy shallow water.  For the repetitive, everyday tasks of the day, transcendence did little for me, and eventually my reality was arising through a filter of frustration.  Five years in, I understood the stress and the grime my neighbors and friends carried heavily, but I did not have a door.  The fact was, there was no exit.  When I had first embarked on the journey to transcend my limited egoic perceptive state I was running from reality.  I'd had it with the lies, the limitation, the chains and constrains of concept, subject/object dualities. I wanted more. I wanted out.  Through diligence and dedication I transcended, but I did not escape, or disappear.   What to do next? I've sat on this one question for many years, and attempted to give it an answer and a purpose, but nothing felt solid.  Then, my dear soul brother, Boz, reappeared with a writing where he told the story of a car ride to a marathon with a Buddhist.  When asked about the topic of meditation, he mentioned his method to be one of organizing thoughts where they are much more easily digested, and that his practice was about finding joy in repetitive tasks.  Couple difficult thoughts with an easy, stable thought, such as 'the grass is green' and enjoy every second of life.  The light bulb turned on above my head.  In practicing this, the integration of self, that last bit necessary to ruthlessly and confidently own every fiber of my being fell into place.  I began to immerse in joy every moment of my life.  The good and bad humbly experienced through a state of benevolence. They gray expansive neutralizing the dual perception so that every experience is embraced and accepted for the sake of experiencing life through the unique recipe of 'I'.

 There is much to enjoy in being alive.

Like an artist who only knew paint and has now discovered mixed media, I rejoice in having gained new tools to help co-create an evolving reality.  My hope is that one day we all do it joyously, together.

  I understand without a doubt now that to stand for suffering is absolutely futile.  There is way too much in life available to fill our hearts with joy to consider otherwise.  What is pure to your heart, is pure to your purpose, and what is pure in path is essential to the evolution of humankind and the embodiment of consciousness.  When we are not boxed in we are filled with opportunity. The possibilities are endless, and all that is left is that we reflect in our steps and choose wisely the adventure.  Each of our lives is a unique adventure. A story unfolding.  When we say "things have to be this way" or "this is the way things have always been" we speak lies! The truth is life is always changing, maneuvering, growing, transforming, evolving, and taking flight.  Movement is life.

The effect of this practice is to create a perception through which every moment is honored so deeply, it purifies the desires of the conscious being.  Humbled by the ability to enjoy every moment of life, one is delivered the energy needed to see the possibilities for growth and improvement as achievable endeavors.  We are beings of process not perfection.  Enjoy the journey. This my friends, will eliminate much shame we carry, for here, we can accept ourselves as we are, for simply existing. 

I close my thoughts for today by taking a moment to honor the nomad in all of us, the lover of movement, transition, and growth. Please, in honor of the freedom in us all,  check out Joe Boswell's site for his upcoming book, and his kickstarter campaign to offer much deserved support:



  1. VERY interesting! I'm curious about you now and interested in your thoughts. Going to look at the links now.

  2. There's a reason the book is titled "Awakening *To* The Dream."
    Not From.
    Nice work!



I'm 36 years old now. I am officially raising a teenage daughter. I am divorced. I'm a college drop out. I've been heart broken...