Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Freedom Can Come Home

It has been observed that even non duality can be used as a form of escapism from Reality. The philosophy is one of integration, even if on the surface it appears to be one of negation. What is being eliminated is not the entity, or the external reality, but the assumption that one knows by intaking only surface material. It directs toward knowing inside out, from deep within.

The dismantling, does not make Reality fall apart, but your limited perception of reality. It is about embodying who we are, without masks or flashy costumes. It taps into what comes out of this embodiment when the current existence is fully embraced, for what it is.

Many debate about what should be here, what it could be like here. That's not what non-duality is about. It is about EXPERIENCING what reality is. Which means you start LIVING. You engage in your story, you face your fears, doubts, concerns, circumstances. You put will into discerning what areas in life you are distorted with unprocessed emotions, unfounded beliefs, and behavioral habits. When you've emptied out the trash, then you begin the journey of experiencing life unfiltered. It's clearing the clutter to finally begin to tap into your potential. Not the ends to a mean, but a beginning. Inner freedom is hands on.


  1. Reality is 'real'. Your feelings about reality are not. Dismantling your concepts and mindful perceptions allow reality to just be. It is the epitome of simple.

  2. It only has to seem real to be taken as real to consciousness. And how does one ever know what is absolutely truly real?
    My feelings are part of reality and in that sense are real.

  3. Reality can be a trigger word. When I expressed:

    "It has been observed that even non duality can be used as a form of escapism from Reality."

    I was referring to what is in front of your view now. Escaping taking care of what is in front of you now. Meaning, not molding what is in front of you to your liking, but the processing of not reacting to allow the full insight of things to arise.

    Emotions are allowed to arise, without identification to them. Watching that wave of emotions rise and fall.

    Thoughts, Questions and Doubts are allowed to arise, as one learns the discipline of being witness of mind, versus being reactive with it's thought process.

    What is here now?

    How am I not myself?

    Are questions to be experienced, not just pondered. The thoughts that arise in terms of the question is 1/8 of the whole deal.

    Tap into your entire process system, not just your hard drive or processor.



I'm 36 years old now. I am officially raising a teenage daughter. I am divorced. I'm a college drop out. I've been heart broken...